SPELT website (CMS)
The Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers’ new website is has a very clean design layout, which makes this website stand apart from its predecessor.
Special care has been taken to design each section of this website in a way that helps the visitor to extract all relevant information extremely easily.
Web work website and content management system
The most significant challenge that we faced during the development of this website was that the client was not sure about what is actually required, when it comes to functionality. That is when we gave the client ideas about how a well developed CMS can make the website updating tasks a piece of cake and help them satisfy the needs of their visitors very quickly.
Through this website’s content management system, it is very simple for the admin to update the latest information about the society’s upcoming workshops, sessions, conferences, courses, journals and events.
Each section is automatically updated with respect to the current date and time. For example, if a workshop is active it will be displayed with a Clock icon and when it becomes inactive the icon will change to a Thumb-tack. This goes for all of the pages mentioned above.
The website is full of social network plugins and special care has been taken to improve its search engine rankings.
Keeping up with the web standards has always been our first priority and this website is a living proof of it. Each page on the SPELT website has a valid XHTML and CSS code, gracefully degrading java scripts, and cross browser compatibility.
Client: Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers, Karachi, Pakistan
URL: spelt.org.pk

Credits: Photoshop layout design, Database design, PHP scripting, XHTML markup, CSS code and JQuery scripting by Khalid Majid Ali.

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