F.K. Jewellers website (CMS)
The F.K Jewellers' website (CMS) serves as the company's mini-profile, an online product catalog and a showcase for new products.
The website also features a news section for updates regarding their achievements and events such as the company's national and international jewelry exhibitions.
Web work website and content management system
It was a great experience working on the F.K. Jewellers website, with a clean design and a very sound database and a custom content management system; this website grasps the viewer's attention super quick.
Using this content management system its extremely simple for the website's administrator to add, edit, update and delete content.
Client: F.K. Jewellers, Karachi, Pakistan.
URL: www.fkjewellers.com

Demo: A live demo for the content management system is also availabe, on request, for genuine clients.

“I never thought that managing a website can be made this easy, these guys certainly know what they are doing.
” ~ Tabish Ahmed, F.K. Jewellers

Credits: Database design, PHP scripting, XHTML markup, CSS code and JQuery scripting done by Khalid Majid Ali. Photoshop design by Talha Khanzada.

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