Orient Solutions website
Orient Solutions was the first company for whom we designed a complete company portfolio profile, from the Logo to the Website, continuing on to the Print material and the Promotional material.
The clean design with lots of spacing helps the viewer focus on particular sections on a webpage which gives this website a very corporate look.
Web work website design and markup
Although this website was built before Exabyte Designs came into being, but we consider this website as the pivot that tilted our focus towards starting a creative design studio, that is the reason why it is displayed here.
Working with Orient Solutions, which is a software development company, was very interesting and educational. Of all the projects we've worked so far, we personally value this one the most.
After two years, Orient Solutions has updated their website design, however you can view an archived version of the website we designed for them.
Client: Orient Solutions, Karachi, Pakistan.
URL: www.orientsolutions.biz (archived)

“Khalid brought Orient Solution’s name on paper and the web. He created the Orient Solution’s logo and the company’s first website.
In the process he proposed different variations and at the end finalized a nice piece of work.
He designed the company’s business cards and also worked on different brochures for us and delivered great compositions fairly quickly. Really loved the work, thanks Khalid!
” ~ Rizwan Zubairy, Orient Solutions

Credits: Photoshop layout design, XHTML markup, CSS code and Java scripting done by Khalid Majid Ali.

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